Student Aid Loans and Grants
Your education is one the most important investments you will make in your lifetime. Most students need assistance in paying for college. We are happy to review with you your options to fund your future.

Your Student Funding Options
One of the best lifetime investments you can make is investing in your own education. Once earned, your diploma can never be taken away and it will provide benefits for decades … first to develop a career field, earn more and then continue improve career opportunities over the rest of your working years.
Sundance College believes lack of funds should not prevent you from getting your education. To support our students’ success, Sundance provides financial expertise and guidance to help students secure needed funding to come to school. We want you to get that brighter future!
There are many funding sources available to students. Sundance College will assist you in understanding which solutions are best for you and provide you with the confidence and peace of mind to start down your new career path today.
Financial Aid Options
Canada-Provincial Student Loans, Grants and Scholarships
All Sundance College programs are provincially licensed and eligible for government student aid funding.In many cases, this is the best option for students. The federal government has two programs that can help you fund your education. In addition, each province has its own financial assistance program. The type and amount of assistance provided usually varies depending on your individual circumstances. For example, more funds are usually made available to those supporting dependents.
Personal Student Loans and Lines Of Credit
Alternatives to student aid funding.If you have maxed out government-aid options or do not qualify, you may get the money you need from a bank or family.
Our student financial advisors will go over all options with you and assist you in completing an application for whichever funding option you choose.
Bonus: Sundance Scholarships
Helping you invest in your future.In keeping with our mission to support students’ success, Sundance College offers scholarships to our students. Your admissions advisor will go over the options available to you during your confidential interview.