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Is Online Learning as Good as Face-to-Face Learning? 9 Key Benefits

a man wearing headphones and writing on a paper face to face learning
20 March 2023  |  Author: Kateryna Psymenna  |  Read Time:

Do you work full-time? Are you raising school-age children? Are you wanting to make a career change or start a career but think you can’t because of your work or family life? Or perhaps you don’t live near a post-secondary college. We have great news: none of these need hold you back from pursuing your career goals. Online learning may offer the flexibility and customization you require. 

In fact, with the technology available today, more and more students are preferring online learning over in-person learning.  

According to a recent study, the number of students choosing to study mostly or completely online has tripled since the beginning of the pandemic: from 9% in 2020 to 29% in 2022. Sundance College is no exception: the number of students joining our online learning community has experienced a fourfold increase during the pandemic and continues to grow. 

Most prospective students do not have a chance to experience the benefits of studying online before attending their first virtual lesson.  

To help you make an informed decision about whether online learning is right for you, this article will cover the most important pros of distance learning – and provide real-life examples from our students. 

What is Online Learning?

9 Advantages of Online Classes 

Takeaway: Online Learning is Good for Many, Not All 

What is Online Learning?

a woman in headphones talking to a man on a laptop

What do you think about when it comes to online learning? Chances are, you picture how you: 

  • Participate in virtual classes, both live and on-demand, via a digital learning program 
  • Study course materials in electronic format 
  • Send homework assignments via email  
  • Get assessments and feedback from instructors via virtual meetings   
  • And use your discretion in doing all this wherever and whenever you want  

More often than not, people associate online learning with total flexibility and little-to-no oversight – the student sets their own pace. However, this freedom can tempt online learners to procrastinate, resulting in a rush to complete their assignments in the last week of their course. 

That is why we recommend performing weekly or bi-weekly check-ins with instructors during a self-paced learning process as one of our key tips for your online study success. While you enjoy the flexibility and convenience of online learning, performing these check-ins will give you a sense of routine and help track your progress. 

In addition, Sundance College’s assistant education manager Laura Holitzki outlines what you should look for when choosing a college program:  

“Before enrolling in any online career education program, ask yourself these two questions about the learning environment: 1) are there measures in place to support timely progression through the program (e.g. assignment deadlines or fixed exam dates)? and 2) is there a balance between flexibility and structure? Consider online programs that have a clear structure interwoven with a flexible online learning schedule – they are the most effective.”  

A well-structured course with a reasonable balance between flexibility and progress control can help you succeed in achieving your educational and career goals.  

9 Advantages of Online Classes

a poster with text and images

Any online course involves using digital learning programs and e-communication tools. Adjusting to new software and remote learning processes may take time for some students. If you’re one of them, attending an introduction session before starting your online classes can be helpful.  

All new Sundance students, for example, start their educational journey with an orientation course designed to help them be successful as an online student. They are introduced to our learning management system, the video conferencing platform we use, as well as other methods of communicating with their instructors and each other. During the introductory sessions, they can also get answers to all tech- and process-related questions before their main courses start.  

Once you adapt to the format, you’ll notice numerous benefits of online learning. We’ve collected our top 9, with an extra benefit for those who opt for online learning as a parent.  

1. Adapt The Learning Schedule To Your Needs   

Most students enroll in our education programs while staying in their current full-time/part-time positions. In this way, they can continue to earn while they improve their credentials to advance in their careers. In addition, some take our courses while raising school-age children and working full-time.  

With online learning, our students don’t have to choose between work, family, and school — they can do them all at their own pace. They might put aside time for school at 10 PM at the kitchen table after the kids fall asleep or at 7 AM in a train on their way to work.  

As a working parent, Sundance graduate Valerie R. appreciated the flexible learning schedule afforded by our online Medical Office Administration Diploma:  

“Once I decided to return to college, I wondered whether I could manage being a mom while working full-time. Since my course was self-paced, it usually took me 2-3 hrs. of homework per day, and, to my surprise, that workload was not overwhelming. It gave me the flexibility to work, care for my family, and have time to relax.”  

Like Valerie, you can also benefit from a learning schedule tailored to your needs. If you work during the week, completing the bulk of your coursework on the weekend (in advance of due dates!) might suit you better. 

You may also find pockets of “dead time” that can be repurposed to school work. For example, you can use your breaks at work or while you’re waiting for your child to finish dance classes as a perfect time to complete one more homework assignment. If you are like most people, think of the time you spend aimlessly scrolling through social media. Instead, build a habit of reaching for your laptop every time you think of reaching for your phone. Imagine what you can accomplish! 

2. Study Wherever You Are

a woman wearing headphones and holding a phone

Today, learning is easier than ever: You only need a laptop and a stable internet connection. The availability of online learning enables e-learners to combine studies with their other commitments easily.  

For example, our students have shared how they can effortlessly reheat their kids’ lunch and feed them while participating in a live Zoom class by clicking on the “turn off camera” and “mute” buttons on their laptops. They often have one-on-one virtual sessions with instructors during coffee breaks at work or watch a course video on their way to the swimming pool.  

Note that if you’d like to study using a laptop but don’t have one at your disposal, we would be happy to tell you more about our laptop program.  

In short: online learning allows you to study wherever you are — on your couch, in a café, or on a beach in Bali — and maintain the right work-life-school balance.  

3. Create A Custom Virtual Learning Environment   

IKEA’s white swivel chair or an orange faux leather bean bag? A kitchen table next to a floor-length window or a quiet corner of the den? No matter what makes you feel comfortable and ready to study, online learning allows you to design your ideal learning space.  

Fill your learning environment with things that motivate you, bring you safety and confidence, or just please your eyes. It can be your family photo or a list of things you will buy with the first paycheque at your dream job. 

4. Access A 24/7 Online Learning System With The Course Materials  

Attending traditional on-campus lectures, you have to rely on your note-taking skills to capture lesson material. Online courses, however, store educational content in a digital format, often in one place. By entering your e-learning system login, you have 24/7 access to lecture notes, presentation slides, and audio/video recordings, so you can review them as necessary. 

Having all course materials at your fingertips is especially useful when you’re looking for the answer to a specific question, completing an assignment, or studying for an exam. 

5. Improve Tech Skills By Mastering New Digital Learning Programs 

Do you know why IBM invests millions of dollars in corporate online training? Because every dollar they invest in e-learning helps them earn back $30 in productivity. According to experts, over 90% of companies worldwide are incorporating online learning into their HR procedures.  

Chances are, using online learning platforms for businesses will become an integral part of your routine at a new job, especially if it’s a work-from-home job. In addition, mastering Zoom-like software as a student can prepare you for all those future meetings – or even the interview process! 

Companies we partner with to provide our students practicum placements note the tech-savviness of our online learners. As a rule, these students easily adapt to new digital systems attracting employers’ attention and increasing their chances of getting a job offer after graduating.  

6. Save Your Time And Money On Commuting

a row of cars on a road

Commuting can significantly affect your time if you’re attending on-campus classes but don’t live near a college. For example, if you’re like most people in Calgary, it can take 45 minutes or more to go to and from campus. Let alone the situations when you live in another city, another province, or even another country.  

Online learning can help you save those 45 minutes in a day and dedicate them to more valuable things in your life: family, friends, work, hobbies, your studies, or just rest. Less commuting means fewer transportation costs, more energy, and higher productivity.  

7. Support An Eco-Friendly Way Of Learning   

Online learning is beneficial not only for students but also for the environment. According to a study by Open University from the UK, your decision to use online learning will result in you consuming 87% less energy and releasing 85% less CO2 compared to attending on-campus classes. 

Another great thing about the learn-from-home approach is that your car remains in a garage, saving you a pretty penny on gas, parking, and repair.  

8. Enjoy An Introvert-Friendly Learning Environment  

Let’s travel back in time and grab a seat in your high school classroom. When your teacher asked a question, you’d likely witness the same students raising their hands. When it was time to face the whole class to deliver a presentation, some could do it effortlessly, while others were stressed.  

If you’re someone who prefers listening rather than talking, then the e-learning format is precisely for you.  

Instead of traditionally raising your hand in a class, you can chime in with ideas or questions through messages in online chat rooms or private chats with instructors while attending virtual courses. 

Our introverted students note another significant reason online learning suits them best. It enables them to make up their mind and craft thoughtful arguments before presenting them to the public. Having time to think before speaking helps them avoid feeling too pressured or confused while studying online. 

9. Be Independent Of Public Health Restrictions And Weather Conditions   

Under strict regulations during the pandemic, all educational institutions, Sundance College among them, had to shift all in-person classes to the online format. It turns out that online learning is more resilient to unforeseen circumstances than in-person learning. 

Moreover, attending online classes becomes preferable when harsh weather conditions occur. In Winnipeg, for instance, when the temperature drops to -30°C or lower and heavy snowfalls arise, it becomes difficult to commute to campus. On such days, our students especially appreciate the possibility of staying at home and studying remotely.  


a woman and a girl sitting at a table with a laptop

If you’re like most back-to-school parents, chances are, some of your e-learning will take place at the kitchen table in the evenings, where you and your children will have to do your homework together. You’ll be surprised but this unexpected family time can be extremely impactful for you and your children! 

Imagine how you will motivate each other to reach goals like getting an A or a B on a course assignment and trade advice on how to study for tests. By seeing you progress through a career college program, your children will learn how vital education is for leading the life they want! 

Takeaway: Online Learning is Good for Many, Not All   

To answer the original question, “Is online learning as good as face-to-face learning”: it depends. On you. What works best for you? 

In this article, we shed some light on the most common pros of online learning. However, we know that online learning doesn’t suit all and some of our students prefer face-to-face communication. That is why we offer both on campus and online learning options. 

If you’re on the fence about which learning approach to take, online or in-person, get in touch with our advisors. We will be happy to provide the information you need to help you make the choice that best suits your priorities and lifestyle.

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  • You will quickly confirm your qualification to study at Sundance College in a confidential interview – for free – with one of our Admissions Advisors.
  • As a general overview, the minimum requirement for being admitted to Sundance College is a high school diploma.
  • Students not having a high school diploma or equivalency can apply as a mature student.
  • In the same interview, you will have the opportunity to discuss your career aspirations and ensure that you are choosing the best program match.
  • You will also be submitted to a Career Assessment to validate you have the essential skills and abilities required to successfully complete our diploma program.
  • Our experienced Admissions Advisors can also provide special guidance in case you have any specific challenge to enter the college.

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